23 September 2007
We arrived in Paris after a long day of flying from Kansas City to Chicago to Boston to Paris. There was a significant layover before our high speed train (the TGV – a masterpiece of engineering and efficiency) left to Aix. There was an earlier train to Aix, but it left from the Gare de Lyon. We decided to get on the subway and head for the Gare de Lyon. We turned our tickets in for the earlier train and waited patiently to find out which track we would be departing from. It was funny to see other people looking expectantly at the TV monitor waiting for that little piece of information. We were soon on the train and on our way to Aix. I slept most of the way down. If you have never experienced the TGV I would highly recommend it. It is fast and the best way to get a feel for how fast you need to see one moving. There are some things like wine, cheese, bread and trains that only the French know how to do.

We ended up renting a VW Golf TDI. I liked the little car and we would find that little cars are very good for the tight turns and small alleys some roads would lead us to. If you are worried about getting lost in France you only need three things: a good map, a sense of adventure, and a good navigator. We had all three. I knew there was a reason I married K – she could read a map.
With our sense of adventure and map in hand we drove out into the unknown. We found Goult with little difficulty. Opa C had also helped us out by printing out a small blow up of a map around Goult. Goult is a small town and not one on the typical tourist map or guidebook. It has one baker (with suspicious hours), two butchers, one grocer, one café and three restaurants. It was the sight of a small castle of the family Agoult hundreds of years past. The castle still remains.
The entry is cloaked in a grape vine. Eva bought it many years ago when the area was just beginning to be put on the map. Below is a cellar that doubles as a large dining room. Back in the day the home owners would keep their horses or donkeys down there. The apartment was very quiet as was the neighborhood. We were well off the main drag to the top of the town.
There is something about having a home base on vacations like this. We could cook when we wanted to (which we did because it was expensive to go out to eat). It was nice not having to unpack all the time. I learned from our vacation to Germany a couple of years ago that this was the best way, in my opinion, to enjoy the area and have a relaxing vacation.